what can i say instead of just checking in

Use the request for a status update as a call-to-action, and make it time-sensitive so youre more likely to get a response. I had lunch with Kristina Smalley yesterday and your name came up. i am calling. i just wanted to make sure. Are you tired of sending out a generic email thanking the prospect for their understanding? I have plenty of skills that could be useful in this situation.Kind regards,George Sorrow, To Henrietta,Do you need any support from me on the project? ", Example: We know your company is all about X, we thought youd find value in this recent article analyzing the market for it.. All we ever want is for you to succeed and be profitable. In a polite or formal email, its often a good idea to let the person know the purpose of the message right away. WebSometimes the best way to say just checking in is to just come out and say it. ", "Hi, I haven't heard from you all week. Lastly, check out some of these email samples to see how it works: Dear Sir,Do you need any support from me on the matters we discussed earlier? go check. Suppose its been over a week since you had a call or face-to-face meeting with a prospect and they still havent got back to you with a buying decision. And if you can't think of a single legitimate reason to follow up that would be beneficial to your prospect, don't. Use the tips and examples covered in this post to help sharpen up your business communication. Have you had a moment to jot those ideas down? If you dont, think of one. checking to see. What can i say instead of just checking Let me know if you want me to arrange for the passes. Its been busy. If you don't, think of one. 11 Things To Say Instead Of Just Checking In Ive Been Thinking Of You Lately Id Love To Hear How Youre Doing, If You Want To Share Id Like To Hear How Youre Really Going How Are You Managing Things Right Now? How Have You Been Feeling Lately? So How Was This Year For You? How do you say just wanted to We are not attorneys and are not providing you with legal Heres what to say instead of I just wanted to follow up in an email: In the rest of the article, well explain how to use each of the alternatives by providing email samples. Just Checking It also shows that you actually care about how they are, and youre interested in their well-being. Follow-up emails provide a great opportunity to get a little more personal with your prospects. Now you can focus on leaving a legacy instead of a mess. 1 Ask Drop the checking in wind-up and ask for an update politely and directly. Borrowmore. Ive been missing you and wanted to say hi. Hope all is well. WebOne of the most worthless things to say at the beginning of a call to a prospect or customer is Im just checking in with you. (The Probation Officer call.) I just wanted to follow up allows you to send a follow-up email politely. Successful sales reps meet their prospects where they are. If we havent been updated for a while, its a good idea to send an email containing this phrase to let somebody know that you expected a reply from them a while ago on your previous email. Its likely you and your contacts and sales leads have some common interests. Wouldnt it be nice if there was a one-size-fits-all alternative to just checking in? Unfortunately, variations on that phrase (like Im following up on . So lets take a look at some better alternatives to the just checking in email. Im keen to hear about your progress.Thank you for your time,Sarah, To Mr. Dinners,Can we schedule a follow-up whenever youre next free? Ten points to you for listening, and theyll be more likely to give you the news because youve targeted something in particular. Then provide a suggestion for how to get there. Instead of saying I just wanted to follow up, you can say can we schedule a follow-up on.. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. Your contact might appreciate a reminder that theres still an open email chain needing attention. After a meeting or discovery session Suppose its been over a week since you had a call or face-to-face meeting with 2. 15. It's a Sunday morning, and you're just waking up. "Just checking in" is one of the most frustrating phrases for prospects to receive because they know it likely means more than just checking on their well-being. Could you give me a quick status update by end-of-day? Imagine you are a business owner. 9. Point out business weaknesses. Horace, How is it coming along works well in a follow-up email as another way of saying I just wanted to follow up.. Share a relevant industry article. For example, RingCentrals integration with Gong.ios AI analytics engine can be used to analyze all your sales teams conversations with clients and then unearth new insights into what patterns and speech behaviors correlate with successful calls: Similarly, the seamless integrations with most of the popular CRM platforms can level-up your communication capabilities with features like click-to-dial, note logging, and call schedulingall easily available from within the CRM itself. i just wanna. Even if the message is brief, a congratulatory email to a prospect is enough to remind them of your company. Point out business weaknesses. Here are some examples of how to send a follow-up email: Dear Hansen,I just wanted to follow up on my previous email. I scheduled a meeting invite and haven't received any response from you. Next time you reach out to your contacts, be sure to steer clear from using just checking in. Send them a blog post from your company. Just checking in!, with its requisite cheery exclamation point, wont always cut the mustard. While Guilt-tripping your prospects into responding to you is said to be the worst approach ever, it has its own benefits if done subtly and gets you responses. You stumble into your kitchen, make yourself some coffee, take a few sips, and then head to the computer to open your inbox and catch up on emails. We cannot give you customized advice on your situation or needs, which would require the service Have a look. When an email just wont cut it Keeping in touch with your contacts doesnt have to be an email-only affair, of 3. Finally, you might benefit from looking into the following follow-up email samples: Hi Mike,Whats going on with the mission at the moment? Follow it up with an inquiry about how theyre coping with life in general, or just let them respond on their own terms. Thank you. Spend your time crafting more helpful emails, and your prospects (and your quota!) Heres how to check up on them in a chill, casual way. Next time you reach out to your contacts, be sure to steer clear from using just checking in. It also gives them the option of an out; maybe theyre not feeling it right now, but it still contains the strong message that youre there for them, whenever theyre ready. Heres a tip: Want to make sure your writing shines? How does next Wednesday work for you?. But one email stands out among all the other ones in your inbox because it felt personal. Send a how-to guide. WebInstead of saying I just wanted to follow up, you can say can we schedule a follow-up on. This alternative works well when we want to set up a meeting to discuss matters. What to say instead: Its better to use inclusive or motivating language that champions an individual employee or team, Liou suggests. .) all spark the same visceral response. (All good things!) 2. Finally, these follow-up email examples should help you to make sense of it: Dear Jack,Anything I can help with on the topic that you requested? Tell the prospect you're writing a blog post featuring industry experts, then ask to quote them. Hows Tuesday morning?. Think how you would want your mail to sound if you were a prospect, now that you have some perspective. Just Checking Cheers, [Salesperson]." Now, put yourself back in the shoes of a Salesperson. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Say This is another way to rekindle a conversation you began before. How do I not say just checking in? Read more about Martin here. Theyre the bane of our inbox existence. It lets them know that youve noticed a change in their behavior, and youre there to support them if they need help. Whatever the reason for their stalling, you can help by reaching out with some extra information that theyll find useful or reassuring. I wanted to make sure things were still in progress. In a polite or formal email, its often a good idea to let the person know the purpose of the message right away. Lastly, the following email examples should teach you all you need to know: Dear Juliette,Im just checking in to see if I can do anything to help you with this issue.Please keep me updated,Mrs. Check how things are going a month after implementing a competitor's product. Words and Phrases for Just Checking Let me know if theres anything you need from me.. Of course, every rule has an exception. 23 Better Alternatives to the Just Checking There are, of course, many situations where its necessary to check in on your prospects and customers, such as: So the question isnt whether you should check in on your contacts, its about how you should do it. (Say I apologize for the inconvenience instead) No one likes excuses, and it puts you on the defense. Other times theyre waiting for the go-ahead from another project partner. Entertaining and motivating original stories to help move your visions forward. If you dont, think of one. Apart from being chronically overused, one of the main problems with just checking in is that its basically a redundant expression. In a polite or formal email, its often a good idea to let the person know the purpose of the message right away. Can Ultimately, you have to be thoughtful and creative about how you reach out if you want to maximize your responses. Now you can make it easier for your clients to respond to you., "We're looking for more feedback on this layout we tried on our website. What do you think about it? Example: Hey, [contact name]. I like your viewpoint and share the same with the rest of my clients. 2. Sometimes people are just too busy to get back to you. While we do not use where are we with to tell people off, the implication is that we expected an update sooner. Its been busy. Of course, you could be turned down for the support. I know youre having a hard time, and Im here if you want to talk. go check. In these situations, its often the case that the prospect is struggling to reach a decision with the information theyve got. ". ", "We're excited to share the new and improved website. ", "Hi, looks like we missed catching-up yesterday. Learn more in our affiliate disclosure. This could be a case study, a testimonial video, a breakdown of pricing options, a list of product integrationsanything that can help crush the doubts or objections they may still have. Has there been any progress on works well if you want to follow up and ask for direct work updates. What to say instead: Its better to use inclusive or motivating language that champions an individual employee or team, Liou suggests. Dont apologize for doing your job, apologize when it is merited. Are you free for another call next week? I had lunch with Kristina Smalley yesterday and your name came up. say instead Check how things are going as their contract with a competitor is winding down. Therefore, we can use this to ask for an update, but its also a good way for us to offer our support should the other person need it. 2. Just hearing or reading those words could be enough for the recipient to start feeling a little bit better, if only for a moment. Sometimes they stall because they arent fully convinced that what youre offering is right for them. Do you mind if I go ahead and close your case? By checking in on the people in your life, you also strengthen your bonds and your support circle for when you need a helping hand. generalized educational content about wills. I wondered if [software] is still on your radar. 7 alternatives to "just checking in Dear Mr. Tomkins,Is there anything I can help with on the matter? Use these 4 alternatives to just checking in emails: Theres no perfect alternative to this email but there are a few follow-up sales emails you can rely on to get back on your prospects radar. Create a free website to honor a loved one who has passed away. say instead Say We saw your comment on X, not only do we have the answer youre looking for, but we have some additional resources youll find useful, as well.. Im so sorry for your loss. Referencing a specific challenge that you've talked about with someone lets the person know you have been thinking of them and are genuinely interested in hearing an update, Anwar says. Be specific and to the point while doing so. Case studies are ideal for this job: they help sell the dream and serve as proof that working with you is worth it. ", "Happy Thursday! For example, they might be fully engrossed in a major ongoing project, or awaiting a decision from their leadership team, or biding their time until they receive more funding. Send them a blog post from your company. It also lets them know youre attentive to their words and worth their time. I found your contact while searching for experts and would like to ask you for a quote on the matter if youre willing.. This is me following up! Here are the key things to consider when determining how long your videos should be. Instead, take a moment to think about what exactly you want from your contact and what they might want from you. Just checking in!, with its requisite cheery exclamation point, wont always cut the mustard. This link will open in a new window. If someone is stuck on a project, it might be useful to offer them support. Just Checking In Alternatives Send actionable advice. . You might find this useful. Furthermore, when we use going on in this manner, were asking for more information about the current proceedings. At that time you werent ready to make any decisions [because of X reason, if provided], and you asked for me to come back to you after [Y weeks/months]. Below are 30 things to reference in a follow-up email besides the obvious fact that you're checking in. If youre wishing all the best for a grieving friend or family member, you can let them know youre sending them good energy. i just wanted to check. If you pray for your friends well-being, you might let them know theyre in your. Example: Did this email get buried? Hope you are not too busy tomorrow at 11.am. ", "I hope your week is going well! WebSometimes the best way to say just checking in is to just come out and say it. If your goal is to impress your potential decision-maker, aka prospects, make them have a good time reading your email and want them to respond to you. Sometimes the how are you doing? question just leaves us with fine, like its the end of the story, Heidi McBain LMFT, a family therapist, tells Bustle. By putting a greater emphasis on how you can help prospects achieve their goals, you can reframe how they think about their buying decision. I just wanted to share my condolences and check in on you. Id love to catch up on what youve been doing! The person might be waiting for someone to genuinely ask how theyre doing so that they can do a little venting. Having more resources usually means growth, and growth means addressing priorities that weren't previously top-of-mind. If you dont, think of one. I read your blog post about email funnel strategies yesterday. This is probably the most common way that just checking in emails are used. Write with Grammarly. If it was an article that made you think of checking in with that person, this message could be a good choice. Example: Hello, due to the new legislation starting on (date) we have a resource available to further explain the impact it will have on X industry.. 7 alternatives to "just checking in Moreover, we can replace it with whatever the thing is that we want updates on. We can all use regular reminders that were loved and cared for, even when were not grieving a loss or experiencing a tragedy. say instead If so, heres the information I shared with you in the first message.. This is always a wonderful way to check in, Anwar says. Say Just Checking In Alternatives Send actionable advice. If you feel like your friend or family member might be in some emotional distress, and the two of you are fairly close, you can let them know youre concerned with this type of message.