Young people received care and support according to their individual and diverse needs. All rights reserved. Patient records were up to date, written legibly, dated and signed. We rate most services according to how safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led they are, using four levels: Outstanding The quality improvement programmes running on the wards in London and starting in Luton and Bedfordshire had led to quantifiable improvements in the patient experience and had improved patient and staff engagement with the service. There was little use of agency workers and, when agency workers were employed, they were employed on contracts to ensure continuity of care. Most young people, children and families could access services promptly. London, Get email updates for new Clinical Pharmacist jobs in Luton, England, United Kingdom. There was a clear system for rating the risk patients presented and this was reviewed every day. looked at a range of policies, procedures and other documents relating to the running of each service. The East London Community Forensic Service (ELCFS) is seeking a Senior Clinical/Counselling/Forensic Psychologist to join our multidisciplinary team. Groupwork programmes were run in other languages, for example, Bengali. This also helps in our drive to reduce inequalities, for example with a specific service-user led group for black service users. At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and Staff recognised the totality of the needs of each young person and their family. Patients received adequate assistance to eat and drink. Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust hiring Consultant in They also failed to record the duration of incidents of restraint except for those in the prone position. In Newham North recovery team, staff record keeping in relation to medicines required improvement. Finding new evidence and innovative practices is central to providing the best care for our service users. East London NHS Foundation Trust - Overview - Care Quality Commission - CQC Sign in to save Senior Clinical/Counselling/Forensic Psychologist at East London NHS Foundation Trust. East London NHS Foundation Trust | 13,502 followers on LinkedIn. All teams exceeded this target. we have taken enforcement action. Overall rating for this core service Good because: The treatment rooms where medication was stored were too hot. For example, Lord Lamings report on the Victoria Climbie. We rated the wards for older people with mental health problems core service as good overall. The East London Community Forensic Service (ELCFS) is seeking a Senior Clinical/Counselling/Forensic Psychologist to join our multidisciplinary team. Whilst the inspection identified these areas for improvement, the trust was already aware of them, had highlighted potential risks and how these would be mitigated and had plans in place for how they would be addressed. Telephone number 020 8510 2003 020 8510 2005 020 8510 2006 Medical Records can be contacted on: 020 8510 2159/58 Information for Visitors He qualified as a Social Worker in 1984, in New Zealand, and worked there for 10 years before coming to the UK with his family in 1994. Whilst risk was managed well, the risk assessment records were not always stored consistently. Patient records were poorly kept in the health based places of safety which made it hard to know how quickly they were assessed and whether their rights had been explained to them. United Kingdom. They produced a report that identified that the young people were under-represented within the client group. Community therapy assessments had taken place and the multidisciplinary team was involved in preparations for discharge. Patients received timely pain relief. East London NHS Foundation Trust in Boydton, VA Expand search. Staff demonstrated a very detailed understanding of individual patients needs. Our service users have come into contact with the criminal justice system and have been within the secure in-patient pathway, and we provide Care Co-ordination for these patients upon discharge. Patient and carer information, including details of our services and where we provide care. The degree of support is very high. Let's make care better together. The strategy on a page was clear and accessible. Overview - The John Howard Centre - NHS Senior Clinical/Counselling/Forensic Psychologist | East London NHS Inadequate There were clear processes in place to safeguard young people and staff knew about these. The team covers the whole of the Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust footprint. Audits that were specific to the service were carried out to provide assurance of robust care with improvements made where needed. Carers can also arrange to speak to the consultant psychiatrist. Young people, families and staff worked in true partnership when planning care and setting individual goals. Any other browser may experience partial or no support. One home treatment team was not learning from serious incidents. Families were very positive about the service. There was a commitment to continual improvement across the services. This was connected to the Black Lives Matter movement and the work being done by the trust to improve staff well-being. There was evidence of appropriate treatment across community health services for adults that were delivered in line with national guidance and best practice.Staff had access to evidence-based advice, information and guidance. Staff spoke very positively about their work and the support they received from colleagues. and there is an emphasis on building relationships with community services to work collaboratively to address the needs of the population. Recent quality improvement work to reduce incidents of violence and aggression had started to lead to a reduction in use of restraint, though this work was ongoing. East London NHS Foundation Trust. We rated caring and well led as outstanding. Staff were also able to access key skills training appropriate to their role. information. Staff were learning from this information and making improvements. the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. Let's make care better together. Service users could access a range of CYP services in a number of locations. Staff were flexible and responsive to support patients to engage with their services. There were effective systems to protect staff and manage risk appropriately. We rated safe, effective and responsive as good. The health centres where the CYP services held clinics were not always safe or child friendly. Save job - Click to add the job to your shortlist. At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust, Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, Community mental health services for people with a learning disability or autism. It monitors and inspects services, to make sure they are safe, effective and provide high-quality care. Sign in to create your job alert for Clinical Pharmacist jobs in Luton, England, United Kingdom. We spoke with staff at all levels through the wards and departments we visited and the overwhelming positive feedback about the trust as an employer we received was exceptional. For services we haven't rated we use ticks and crosses to show whether we've asked them to take further action or taken enforcement action against them. An example of this were patient led audits which had led to improvements in food and how ward rounds were conducted. Two teams had been accredited by the Royal College of Psychiatrists through the home treatment accreditation scheme since 2012. Using Section 17 Leave outside the hospitals is a fundamental part of service users preparing themselves for life in the community. Community Services Grade Band 6 Contract Permanent Hours Full time - 37.5 hours per week Job ref 363-CTH11607-C Employer East London NHS Foundation Trust Employer type NHS Site Beaumont House Town London Salary 40,448 - 47,965 per annum inc HCA Salary period Yearly Closing 15/03/2023 23:59. Quality improvement continued to be embedded and developed further across all areas of the trust. For example, they allow us to maintain user sessions and prevent security threats. Browse our A to Z of the doctors who work for us. Staff reported to us that they had confidence in their leadership, who they found responsive, and that members of the executive team were visible. We have electronic monitoring (tagging) available if needed. Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. Newcastle upon Tyne The wards were meeting the needs of vulnerable people. His particular interest lies in reducing restrictive practices within healthcare settings and has been commissioned by ELFT to review these in other organizations. CAMHS staff were forward thinking in their approach and looked at how to improve accessibility for young people who might find it hard to engage. Effective governance processes were in place. The quality improvement programme in the trust encouraged innovation and examples of this was seen across the services. The East London Community Forensic Service (ELCFS) is seeking a Senior Clinical/Counselling/Forensic Psychologist to join our multidisciplinary team. Incident thresholds were consistent across the service and all staff knew how to report them electronically. Requires improvement We have put together a pack for carers to help understand our service, which can be downloaded here [make this clickable]. Teams considered the review of incidents to be an opportunity for learning. Staff safety was carefully considered. Patients had good access to physical healthcare including access to specialists when needed. There was a governance structure that enabled managers and senior managers to appropriately monitor and review the quality of service provision. All rights reserved. Conseiller(re) aux affaires lectroniques, Treasury Management Technical Coordinator, Salesforce Lightning -Manager - Bangalore, Travel Nursing - Cath Lab RN - $3,997/week - $4,161/week, See who East London NHS Foundation Trust has hired for this role, Newport News Shipbuilding, A Division of HII. The partnership between the team and FNP meant that staff were able to offer support to teenage mothers who may be experiencing postpartum depression or other mental health problem. View more Profession CBT Therapist / Other Grade Band 6 Contract Type Permanent Hours Full Time. Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at East London NHS Foundation Trust by 2x. The Tower Hamlets Autism Service is a diagnostic and brief intervention service for adults living in Tower Hamlets. Also, staff at 105 London Road had not completed a risk assessment of all detained patients immediately before they took section 17 leave. Each report covers findings for one service across multiple locations, Forensic Services Directorate NHS sites; NHS . The range of topics is vast, some notable areas being on reducing aggression, improving physical health and working on systemic racism. The CMHT premises for some CMHTs in Bedfordshire were not suitable for patients and staff. These environments were in the process of being upgraded. Staff caseloads were manageable and staff said leadership and support in the trust was good. (020) 7655 4000, Provided and run by: The children and young people services (CYP) had good processes for reporting and learning from incidents. Over the years, Day has worked in inpatient secure mental health services, varying from low, medium and high security. Young people also helped with staff recruitment. The trust was working towards the development of an anti-racist framework. By clicking Agree & Join, you agree to the LinkedIn, You can save your resume and apply to jobs in minutes on LinkedIn. The Tower Hamlets Autism Service is a diagnostic and brief intervention service for adults living in Tower Hamlets. the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. Whilst achieving targets for assessments and diagnosis for memory clinics were being robustly tackled with action plans in place, there was still work to do to consistently provide a responsive service especially across the Bedfordshire teams. The John Howard Centre is a medium secure unit that providesspecialist forensic psychiatric servicesto the City of London and the London Boroughs of Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Newham, Waltham Forest, Redbridge, Havering and Barking, and Dagenham. Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. Staff told us that service leaders were very supportive, accessible and approachable. They do not collect or store any personal information. There was effective internal and external multidisciplinary team working. Any other browser may experience partial or no support. People participation had extended since the last inspection and we heard of many examples where co-production was taking place. There were insufficient arrangements for client transition from paediatrics to adult services because of uncommissioned gaps for 16-17 year olds in therapy service provision. Published The service was well staffed and staff turnover was low. the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. How you can become a member, our Council of Governors, People Participation (PP) and volunteering opportunities. This could include anonymous information of how you got to the site, the pages you visit and how long you spend on each page. The centre provides services for men and women with mental illness and also has specialist wards for men with Learning Disability and Autistic-Spectrum Disorders. Managers recognised the importance of consulting with staff in the development of services. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search . Forensic CAMHS (FCAMHS) at the Portman Clinic - Tavistock and Portman Above all it is based on the relational understanding we have. Overview - East London NHS Foundation Trust - NHS He has experience in leading teams through change - from the evaluation and reconfiguration of out of hours AMHP services, the management of the City & Hackney Crisis Service and the reshaping of community mental health services in Newham. In Luton, services for people with very complex needs required development. Homepage | East London NHS Foundation Trust If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service. John Howard Centre | East London NHS Foundation Trust You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. We also provide a specialist community service within the Offender Personality Disorder Pathway, working in partnership with the National Probation Service. For services we haven't rated we use ticks and crosses to show whether we've asked them to take further action or taken enforcement action against them. In some areas, the person being referred was contacted by telephone within four hours. A chief digital officer had been appointed, a digital strategy was in place and work to improve the connectivity of teams and wards was underway. For example, Tower Hamlets CAMHS had looked at the needs of the Bangladeshi community and their access to community services. We provide assessments and diagnosis of autism spectrum conditions. London The CYP service worked in partnership with clients and the local community to improve services and health outcomes. We recommend using one of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari. Michelle is a registered nurse and has extensive mental health commissioning experience as well as having clinical experience of working in Learning Disability services for Bedfordshire. They understood the importance of being kind and respectful. There were really robust governance structures and systems in place for the review of performance and risk management information. Your information helps us decide when, where and what to inspect. He is a keen educator and also examines for the Royal College of Psychiatrists. The Trust serves a diverse area namely: Bedfordshire, Luton and East London (Newham, City and Hackney and Tower Hamlets). This enabled patients and their carers to experience a more joined up service. He is a keen advocate for LGBT inclusion. Our staff and service users get to know each other very well. Our focus is on high quality treatment. We offer support for service users as they leave the inpatient Forensic Directorate to reintegrate and re-establish lives in the community. the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. On arriving in the UK and settling in Bristol, he trained as an Approved Social Worker. The trust was making data available to teams to help them use a structured approach to look at demand and capacity of services and develop individual plans to improve patient flow. Homerton We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Patients reported that their care and treatment needs were being met. Her recent experience was in the South West, in performance management at Avon and Wiltshire Partnership Trust. There was an appropriate strategy in place for the CYP service. Forensic services. Staff reported to us that they had confidence in their leadership, who they found responsive, and that members of the executive team were visible. This leave is granted by the Consultant responsible for the patients care and follows careful risk assessment. Medical Recordscan be contacted on:020 8510 2159/58, Search for services, conditions & specialities, How To Become an ELFT Foundation Trust Member. By clicking Agree & Join, you agree to the LinkedIn. Gosforth They were prepared to see people at appropriate times and locations to help them attend appointments. St. Nicholas Hospital The building was modern and there were various outside spaces which all young people could access. There had also been an expansion to the leadership capacity of the trust and the associated governance, for example the development of a directorate to oversee primary care and the introduction of a chief digital officer to the executive leadership team. We provide mental health, community and primary care services in East London, Luton & Beds. Bailey remains a warranted AMHP, qualified Social Worker and practice educator. Staff on the wards had accurate and current information about incidents, complaints and feedback and information was shared between the wards, directorates and board. Staff generally had a good understanding of risk and risk assessments were frequently updated. Staff were aware of the risks for individual patients, medication was managed well and staff had a good understanding of safeguarding. Staff understood and implemented trust safeguarding procedures. Download easy to read version for East London NHS Foundation Trust - PDF - (opens in new window), East London NHS Foundation Trust: Evidence appendices published 26 June 2018 for East London NHS Foundation Trust - PDF - (opens in new window), Published Service/Borough Directors | East London NHS Foundation Trust Home Information about ELFT Our Board Other Directors Service/Borough Directors Dr Philip Baker, Head of Forensic Services Dr Baker undertook medical training at Oxford University and University College London, qualifying in 2001. Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Forensic Social Worker Iii This information aims to provide referrers with information about what they can expect from them and how to make a referral. It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people. Staff offered practical support if this was the patients priority. Staff understood the importance of obtaining the patients consent to treatment. 12 Kenworthy Road Ravi is a consultant clinical psychologist and joined the Trust in 2002 as Head of Psychotherapy in Tower Hamlets. The services were making very limited use of outcome measures as a way of evaluating the progress being made by patients. He undertakes Peer Reviews as part of the Royal Colleges Quality Network, contributing to service improvements in the wider NHS. Dean Henderson joined the Trust from the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, where he was General Manager, Service Development. The team also provides scaffolding and risk advice to other mental health services. We no longer support Internet Explorer 11. Family Therapists help our service users to reconnect with loved ones. It was difficult for patients to access psychological therapies as there was no psychologist in the multidisciplinary teams. Staff supported patients with their physical health and innovative practice such as health pods in team bases were supporting this work. Wards were clean and staff carried out regular infection control audits. Relatives said they found staff very supportive. We use the Relational Security Explorer to help us in this. Care records were of a high quality and included input from young people and families. East London NHS Foundation Trust | LinkedIn This meant that nursing staff may not always have a clear understanding of the risks or a patients health status when giving treatment. Staff were proactive in contacting patients when they did not attend appointments or when they were not in when staff visited. Staff were supportive and caring of clients and families they worked with, and provided patient-centred support in both clinics and in homes. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Teams worked together in a coordinated way and made appropriate referrals on to specialised services to ensure that patients needs were met. Additionally, all our forensic servicesites have specific security arrangements and protocols which all staff, patients, and visitorshave tocomply with. E9 6SR, In 11 November 2015 There were opportunities for leadership training and career progression. In some areas, knowledge about the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) was not sufficiently robust to ensure that, when necessary, information about decision specific assessments such as the type of treatment that a patient was consenting to was recorded. The service currently operates during working hours of Monday to Friday (9am-5pm). Visit the Career Advice Hub to see tips on interviewing and resume writing. We provide mental health, community and primary care services in East London, Luton & Beds. 105 London Road also had a spiritual kindle for patients to read scriptures on. Forensic services - SWLSTG is run by A patient safety forum had been developed to support this work. East London NHS Foundation Trust, In The peer support workers employed by the trust had doubled to around 80 people. The Health & Justice Directorate is one of eleven directorates within the Trust providing clinical services. Caseloads were well managed. Staff really valued working for the trust and there were different ways in which the trust engaged with staff including their participation in focus groups. No rating/under appeal/rating suspended He has a strong commitment to winning hearts and minds seeing that as a way to improve patients safety. Find the location that this Service is offered at using Google Maps: Leaflet about the Forensic Community Team who is there to reduce the risks to others posed by individuals with a significant mental illness. MRCPsych OR MRCPsych equivalent approved by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Although it depends on which part of the Mental Health Act the individual is detained under, for most of our service users the Consultant cannot grant Section 17 Leave without also first seeking the permission of the Ministry of Justice, who have to be reassured about the rationale and risk assessment. Our psychiatrists are registered medical practitioners and prescribe medications as well as overseeing care. Overall, feedback from patients was very positive. There was strong leadership at both local team and service levels, which promoted a positive culture. NHS services East London NHS Foundation Trust Overview Overview Hospitals and clinics Ratings and reviews Leave a review Contact us Address Trust HQ 9 Alie Street London E1 8DE Get directions (opens in Google Maps) Phone 020 7655 4000 Online Visit trust website Send email to trust What patients say Everyone in the team participated in these meetings at which patients were reviewed, risks were assessed and patient visits were co-ordinated. We were given examples of learning from incidents that had led to changes to improve the service. Staff promoted the privacy and dignity of patients. The environment is specially adapted and care is tailored to meet individual service users needs, A community mental health team (CMHT) providing mental health care and treatment for adults in Ampthill with more complex and enduring mental health needs, Admission Avoidance and Discharge Service (Tower Hamlets), Adult Mental Health Management Offices (City & Hackney), Adult Speech and Language Therapy Service (Newham), Advanced Care Planning Team (Tower Hamlets Community Health Services), Search for services, conditions & specialities, How To Become an ELFT Foundation Trust Member.
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