wyoming county court records

REGISTER OF COUNTY PRECINCT OFFICERS Drawings by Architect William Dubois for additions to the Ilses, Lincoln and Stanton Schools constructed 1938 - 1940. Information includes name of deceased, names of jurors and witnesses, date of investigation, jury's verdict, physical description of deceased, inventory of personal effects, and disposition of body. 9 AND STUDENT OF RECORD. 1 - SUPERINTENDENT'S FILE (LARAMIE), SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1913 - 1952 1906 - 1963 These forms list the trustees, their terms of office, special taxes, financial needs for coming year, school term and further business carried out by district nos. 1889 - 1947 Notices on the issuance and cancellation of land patents on the Shoshone Reservation. 1975 - 2000 DEED RECORD CARTOGRAPHIC RECORDS List includes names of livestock shipper, date animal was found, gender and brand. 1936 - 1945 Candidate's affidavit and listing of expenses and receipts. MARRIAGE LICENSES 1867 - 1879 Various papers from probate case files. Later records also include dates and places of birth, occupations, number of marriages, race, dates and places of divorce, and names and places of birth of parents. Listing of all property in county offices (1893, 1932), and selected schools (1969-1970). VETERAN SCHOOL STUDENT RECORDS 1, 4, 7, 8, 10, CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS CORRESPONDENCE, CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS ENROLLMENT RECORDS, CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS - WYOMING CCC CAMPS, PLAT BOOK (UNITED STATES PLAT BOOK, LARAMIE COUNTY), RECORD OF ADMINISTRATORS, EXECUTORS, AND GUARDIANS, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION/LETTERS TESTAMENTARY, CHEYENNE-LARAMIE COUNTY JOINT JUSTICE CENTER, HOMESTEAD AND TIMBER CULTURE CERTIFICATES, COUNTY PHYSICIAN - MONTHLY REPORT OF BIRTHS, COUNTY PHYSICIAN - MONTHLY REPORT OF DEATHS, EXTENSION SERVICE - ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS, SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Cases appear in the order in which they were heard in court. See also Photostatic Records. Volume contains field notes from surveys of unidentified lands in Albany County. Records of elementary and non-graduate high school students. Docket contains summaries of civil and criminal case proceedings. Records of minutes, claims, location notices, and deeds. 1924, 1934 - 1938 1870 - 1908 1888 - 1889 RESTRICTED ACCESS. Outline of work to be covered and completed by grades 1 through 8 on a monthly basis for each subject. 1 AND STUDENT OF RECORD. LANDER / WEST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - STUDENT CUMULATIVE FILES Records are minutes of the school board and minutes of annual and special meetings of the school district, and incoming and outgoing correspondence. Records concerning the State Constitutional Convention. Placer Location Record: Certificates of location filed with the county clerk. These documents hold a person's most significant milestone life events. Audit reports about finances of the school district. DIRECTIONS FOR TAKING SCHOOL CENSUS ABSTRACTS OF TOWN LOTS CRIMINAL DOCKETS CASE FILES INDEX Lease agreement general information may include lesser/lessee names, filing date, fees, lease location, length of lease, and payment schedule. BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES CIVIL DOCKET BOOKS DECLINATIONS OF NOMINATION Ledger provides names, certificate number, date of certificate, expiration date, and type of certificate awarded. NOTARY RECORD Bridget Hallopeter must be submitted in paper with the filing fee. Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of charge or complaint, dates of proceedings, dates and types of pertinent filings, plea, disposition, fine and court costs. Information includes name of brand owner, description of brand, and location of brand on animal. ca. The annual report of the county superintendent of schools to the Wyoming Department of Education was required by law. Restricted to student of record and Lincoln Couny School District 2. 1963 - 1969 Files may include district court filings. oil and gas leases, certificate of title, etc. Information includes names of grantor and grantee, recording book and page, dates of record and filing, type of record, and legal description of property. WYOMING BOYS' RANCH Proceedings of the Teton County Commissioners meetings concerning bills, budgets, bonds, petitions, actions taken, and resolutions adopted. See also Photo Records. 1935 1938 Appraisal of real property for tax purposes. Information includes names of grantor and grantee, date, type of deed, consideration paid, legal description of property, attached covenants, and relinquishment of right. RESTRICTED. Dates of birth through 1980 Records concern the reorganization of Albany County School Districts Nos. However, indexes created for each of those record series would be more useful for locating individual documents. Record of land transactions in towns. MARRIAGE RECORDS 1 for individuals wanting to become naturalized citizens. PROBATE CASE FILES MOTOR VEHICLE RECEIVING BOOKS 1913 - 1977 LETTERS, OATHS AND BOND GUARDIANSHIP AND TESTAMENTARY OR ADMINISTRATION VOTERS LIST 1912 - 1969 1921 For proof of graduation, Archives staff can provide copies from local newspapers that list graduates. These records list names and addresses of students and their parents, grade levels and grades, entry date, reasons for leaving and date of withdrawal, total attendance days, pupil's date and place of birth, parents occupation, name of school, teacher, and Principal. LINCOLN COUNTY HONOR ROLL Invoices and payment statements from contractors and architects. 1923-1956 (not inclusive) Fax: 585-228-3236 24 - SUPERINTENDENT'S FILE Programs of detailed activities held at state required institutes in Converse County. RESTRICTED. Reports about services and programs. Farm names registered and certified with the County Clerk. Transcripts of students who attended Jeffrey City High School. 1933 - 1937 MILITARY DISCHARGES 1909 - 1949 BOUNDARY DESCRIPTIONS 1910 - 1930 (Not inclusive for all districts) CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKET 1886, 1891, 1894 TEACHERS' APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATION FINANCIAL REPORT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT CLERK 1952 - 1969 POWER OF ATTORNEY STUDENT CUMULATIVE FILES 1900 Records concerning the building of a dormitory for Casper College. 1925 - 1963 Beginning in Volume B, entries noted residence, physical description, nationality, sex, personal effects, period of confinement, fees/fines, disposition, and in Volume [G], Justice of the Peace case number. Various records from individual cases. Records include patents, mining records, liens, affidavits, assignments, articles of incorporation, leases, contracts, bills of sale, court records, chattel mortgages, powers of attorney, notary commissions, water right records, releases, certificates, military discharges, etc. Phone: (304) 732-8000. Records include high school courses of study, summaries of materials taught, high school curriculum committee reports, high school class schedules, and correspondence relating to curriculum development. In accordance with Chapter 10, Session Laws of Wyoming 1945, the Board of Trustees was required to adopt a resolution stating the amount of tax to be raised to operate the district's schools. Information usually includes name of defendant, charge, dates and types of filings, plea, disposition, fine and court costs. VAN TASSELL INCORPORATION RECORDS 1869 - 1972 Biographical information and the immigrant's port of arrival may be recorded in the documents. Newspaper articles, correspondence, and WEA necrology reports concerning the deaths of former teachers. TEACHER DIRECTORIES Most of the correspondence is concerned with credits earned by former students of permit high schools. 1976 1979 PROBATE CASE FILES RESTRICTED TO STUDENT OF RECORD AND SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Tables give name, amount and nature of taxes collected. Lower Willow Creek attendance records, grades 1 - 8, containing pupils' names, dates of birth, teachers' names, subject offered and remarks by teacher. 1929 - 1955 Record of filing of naturalization papers. In the first 15 volumes, a plat may accompany an abstract to an addition. 22 and 26. 1885 - 1968 WYOMING SCHOOL TRUSTEES ASSOCIATION U. S. SURVEYORS RECORDS Records include mining locations, claims, and deeds. Files may include name of deceased, date, site of investigation, residence of deceased, names of jurors and witnesses, how remains were disposed of, verdict of jury or coroner and transcript of testimony. RESTRICTED TO GOSHEN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners for Carter/Sweetwater County. Notes indicate nature of case, defendant's name, fine and disposition of case. Summaries of civil cases. Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, charge or nature of complaint, dates and types of pertinent filings, plea, disposition, fine and court costs. Recording book and quarterly reports on probated estates in Natrona County, listing name of decedent, value of personal and real property, and heirs. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1906 - 1914 MORTGAGES - LANDER BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS RECOMMENDATIONS 1975 - 1989 COMBINED CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKETS 2-19. Maps designating the school district boundaries of the county. 1892 - 1959 1913 1995 The Tax Levies show the levies and assessed valuation for each school district. TAX LISTS AND ASSESSMENT ROLLS Docket sheets provide an outline of case proceedings. BOUNDARY BOARD PETITIONS 4 NOTE: Restricted to student of record and Niobrara County School District No. Poll books for primary election give name and party affiliation. 3 (TIE SIDING) Legal grant of water right. SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAPS 1912-1940 SCHOOL EVALUATION MATERIALS - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. NOTARIAL COMMISSION RECORD 1958 - 1969 MINUTES OF MEETINGS - SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANNING COMMITTEE See also Warrant Register. 6 1933 - 1970 Deeds redeeming property sold for payment of taxes. Certificates give name of ranch owner, location of ranch and name of ranch. 1895 Incoming and outgoing correspondence concerning parental petitions for isolation payments. 1895 - 1908 Files contain various records documenting divorce, small claims, breach of contract, and other civil matters. Press and radio releases issued by the county for patrons' workshops. 1913 - 1978 CORRESPONDENCE - SCHOOL DISTRICT No. Includes name of appointee, beginning and ending dates of term in office, and position. 1991 - 1994 Spiral bound and loose class record and plan books from Baroid, Four Oaks, Homestake, and Nebraska schools; includes attendance, grades, and daily lesson plan information. DEEDS Record of property purchased and redeemed for delinquent taxes. Certificates of location filed with the county clerk. ca. Entries list names of plaintiff and defendant, dates and types of pertinent filings and filing fees. PROBATE CASE FILES INDEX Includes compiled information on enrollment, attendance, school programs, transportation, and finances. BUDGETS Names of candidates and votes received for school board district elections. Record of mortgages on real property. Data print out sheets which provide an outline of case proceedings. 1910 1965 - 1967 1885 - 1947 (Not inclusive) Information includes names of grantor and grantee, recording book and page, date of record, date of filing, type of instrument recorded, and legal description of property. Annual reports (1906-1946) on expenses, purchases, programs, and general conditions of the library. Information usually includes name, days served in jail, charge, prisoner number, cost of serving meals to individual prisoners, total expenses, and warrant number issued to sheriff for reimbursement of expenses. 1895 - 1934 ATTENDANCE, CLASSIFICATION, GRADUATION, DISTRICT NO. Plats and maps of Natrona County showing towns, additions, and subdivisions. 1959 - 1960 CIVIL DOCKET SHEETS Situation report, research materials, correspondence, project reports, and control methodologies on noxious weed referred to as wild oats. Some correspondence refers to attempts to remove wild oats from the noxious weed list. Facts sheets and studies relating to statistical evidence about Wyoming school programs, enrollment, opportunities, etc. Information in the 1888-1907 volume includes date of examination, name, age, number of certificate, where educated, experience, test scores by subject, and remarks. CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKETS 1891, 1894 Daily record of all filings and proceedings in civil and criminal courts. Information includes number and value of equipment, buildings, and land. COMBINED CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASE PAPERS 1884 - 1999 Records include correspondence concerning high school activities, activity schedules, and contracts for games. 1911 - 1994 Proceedings of the Board of Trustees. Originals and copies of plats, town sites, public buildings, and surveys. ABSTRACTS OF LAND - TOWNS Self Indexed volumes of Campbell County Notaries Public which include copies of certificates and Surety Bonds. Information on certificates includes name and post office address of appropriator, name of ditch, source, dates of certificate and filing, date of appropriation, and amount and description of land to be irrigated. NOTE: ACCESS RESTRICTED. 1919 - 1935 Additional remarks on exemptions for age, firemen, disability or moving may be noted. CIVIL BAR DOCKETS CIVIL DOCKET INDEX 1907 - 1969 1868 - 1920 Records may include transcripts, immunization records, permanent record card, and various test scores. CORRESPONDENCE Information includes names of mortgagor and mortgagee, description and value of real property, amount of mortgage, terms of agreement, and releases. Study of public school building needs in School District #2 and Natrona County High School District, by the Bureau of Educational Research, College of Education, Ohio State University. LEASE OF SCHOOL LANDS Record of money received from taxes. JURY QUALIFICATION LISTS Fax: 585-228-3230 1911 1964 1967 - 1970 2. 1983 - 1985 Record of appointments, commissions, bonds, and oaths for Carter County/Sweetwater County offices and notaries public. Grades, test scores, biographical information for students and their parents. Trial dockets record the progress of civil and criminal cases. Information includes source and tract, priority date, legal description, awarded acres, awarded annual diversion per acre and per tract, maximum diversion rate, total NIR, and references to exhibits and stipulations. Most of the subpoenas do not refer to a specific case. The examiner's reports give a financial statement of county's receipts and disbursements. 1938 - 1952 After November 1926, judge's remarks on the course of the trial were no longer entered. Cumulative files of students through the eighth grade. RESTRICTED, HOMESTAKE SCHOOL ROAD AND BRIDGE RECORDS 1884 - 1943 1940 - 1976 1981 1988 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION MINUTES

Grady County Jail Mugshots, Articles W