safe harbor nursing examples

Establishing a foundation for the role of nurses in evidence-based advocacy, she emphasized the progressive nature of nursing, urging: Let whoever is in charge keep this simple question in her head (not, how can I always do this right thing myself, but) how can I provide for this right thing to be always done? (Nightingale, 1860, p. 40-41). They are at the service of the patient and the doctor or another medical supervisor. And now nurses can also use oral safe harbor when they are unable to stop what they are doing to fill out forms. B. The ICU wants to give you a new patient and things are going from bad to worse. I appreciate the legal advice. One example in Winkler County involved two nurses, Anne Mitchell and Vikki Galle, who were retaliated against for reporting unsafe medical practice. The shortage of qualified practicing nurses is not new. Nurses have an ethical imperative to engage in policy. Nursing safe harbor is a law that nurses can use to absolve themselves of liability when forced to commit an act that the nurse believes violates Texas Board Statutes and Rules. Florence Nightingale and healthcare reform. This article is not legal advice. Name of person/supervisor (and title) making assignment or requesting the conduct: 5. 24-Hour. Retrieved from, Texas Department of State Health Services. I agree! A nurse is free to invoke safe harbor at any time during their shift, including if an assignment changes along the way. Yours is a specialization and you cant be transplanted to another area imagine if any of the adult care nurses were suddenly told they had to care for NICU patients without training and supervision. In the first situation, the supervisor told me to do the best I could, and none of my patients died that night. Board of nursing rules outline the procedures nurses must follow to access these protections. Retrieved from, California Legislative Information. The tenants of this project will benefit from the Rent Supplement Program, which will allow them to spend only 25% of their gross income on housing. We are seeing the same disaster mechanisms starting to play out in the response to COVID-19. This is such an unsafe situation for everyone. As gaps in protection are identified, nurses work to address them through policy change. Since then, 11 states have either passed laws or promulgated regulations, 10 of which require healthcare facilities to develop and implement comprehensive safe patient handling programs (Brigham, 2015). For example, dissatisfied with the staffing by patient acuity model legislated in the early 1990s, (Coffman, Seago, Spetz, 2002) members of the California Nurses Association successfully pressed 164 legislators to pass a prescriptive bill specifying the maximum number of patients to be assigned to a registered nurse in each patient care area (California Assembly Bill No. Contact your BON for guidance, and if you have your own malpractice insurance (and I believe every nurse should, beyond any coverage provided by the employer) contact the carriers risk management service for additional perspective. American Journal of Nursing, 111(6), 26-35. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000398537.06542.c0, Brigham, C. J. The association of registered nurse staffing levels and patient outcomes: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(10), Supplement: S10S16. Minimum nurse-to-patient ratios in acute care hospitals in California. This encompasses a wide range of potentially dangerous situations and criminal activity, including tampering with medical records, putting the patient, the nurse or another persons life in danger, or committing a crime of some sort. This is often related to the ethical concerns arising from conflicting values and obligations inherent in the disaster work environment. She doesn't think she can provide safe care to sick neonates, and says so to the supervisor, who tells her to go to the neonatal unit anyway. How nurses advocated for their profession in the 86th legislative session. This accountability came in the form of changes in payment policy. Unfortunately, many nurses and many leaders will answer the question with some form of suck it up and do the best you can. And while I know that questioning an assignment, let alone refusing it, is hard, this is exactly what you must consider doing. Even if you have never been in questionable situation, you should know your organizations policies and your states laws and regulations regarding refusing an assignment. American Journal of Nursing, 110(3), 11. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000368933.60442.41, Texas Board of Nursing. 1525. (2015). The legislation prescribes that 60% of the committee seats are filled by direct care nurses to ensure nursing input in staffing decisions. American Journal of Nursing, 108(1), 62-72. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000305132.33841.92, U.S. Government Publishing Office. Although both bills failed to pass in 2011 (Willmann, 2011), similar legislation enhancing penalties for assault of emergency department personnel passed in the next legislative session (Willmann, 2013). The law also allows a nurse to invoke the safe harbor when he or she questions the medical reasonableness of another healthcare provider's order that the nurse is required to execute. Please see our, You are being redirected to Medscape Education, Challenges to Adolescent HPV Vaccination and Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions to Promote Vaccine Uptake During the COVID-19 Pandemic: HPV Is Probably Not at the Top of Our List. If were talking about a full-shift assignment, the facility is setting itself up for a malpractice suit and likely sanctions from the licensing/accrediting body, which could result in large fines, even revocation of Medicare status. Further protections (Texas Occupations Code, 2019) include refusal to engage in reportable conduct; reporting staffing concerns in hospitals; nurses who refuse to engage in conduct reportable to the board of nursing; and nurse reporting of concerns within a facility about patient exposure to substantial risk of harm or failure to conform to minimum professional, regulatory, or accreditation standards. It is one thing to have patients on a unit and one goes to radiology. To ensure policies are effective, the impact on nursing practice must be evaluated to make certain policies are having the desired effect and have not created unintended consequences. Retrieved from, Jones, T., Bae, S. H., & Murry, N. (2015). In 2011, the Texas Emergency Nurses Association with the support of the states Nursing Legislative Agenda Coalition (a coalition of 17 nursing organizations), supported HB 703 and SB 295 which provided for enhanced criminal penalties for assaults against nurses. The ANA (2015) adopted its first formal code of ethics in 1950 to express the values and ideals for the nursing profession. To comment please, Comments on Medscape are moderated and should be professional in tone and on topic. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 12(3). You not only have all 6 step-down patients, you are now charge over the other 18 beds. Good luck! Texas Senate Bill No. Brief explanation of why invoking Safe Harbor (It may be helpful to review rules 217.11 and 217.12): Signature(s) of Nurse(s) Invoking Safe Harbor: Neither the author or the website publisher are responsible for any actions a reader may take based on material in this article or on this website. World Health Organization. Workplace violence is not limited to emergency departments and nurses in other settings desired similar protections. (Dressner & Kissinger, 2018). Ellen began her clinical practice in neuroscience nursing and for the past 20 years has focused on healthcare quality across the continuum of care from acute care hospitals, to community-based mental health, home care, and hospice. Safe Harbor Some states include a provision in their nurse practice act for nurses to resolve situations that they believe are unsafe or violate their duty to advocate for and protect the patient. Texas Nursing Voice, 5(3):1, 4. Texas Board of Nursing (TBON, n.d.a) clarifies Safe Harbor as a nursing peer review process the nurse may initiate, under good faith, when asked to engage in assignments or conduct the nurse believes to violate Standards of Practice, Duty to Patient, or . Legal expert Martin Chitwood weighs in about nursing safe harbor and how nurses can use it to protect themselves in risky situations. Nurses and leaders must speak up when circumstances put the nurse and the patient at risk of harm. Kohn, L. T., Corrigan, J., & Donaldson, M. S. She is an RN with Bachelors and Masters degrees in nursing and a Masters degree in history from Vanderbilt University. I am so sorry you are going through this. Oncologist Files Whistleblower Lawsuit Against Roswell Park, Patient Safety in Hospitals Improved in Past Decade: Report, COVID-19 Dominates Annual List of Patient Safety Concerns, Artificial Sweetener in 'Keto Foods' Tied to Cardiovascular Risk, The Safety of Anticoagulants and Antiplatelet Agents in Patients With Cirrhosis, A Nuanced Look at Biologic Therapies in Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis, Trending Clinical Topics for February 2019, Alcohol, Melatonin, and Other Top Clinical Topics of 2022, EMA Panel Recommends DPD Testing Prior to Fluorouracil Treatment, Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease Care in Type 2 Diabetes, Modified ECT Lowers Dental, Skeletal Fracture Risk. Listen carefully, consider all available options, and thank the nurse for having the courage to speak up. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013). The law allows a nurse to reject an assignment on the basis of the nurse's assessment of his or her education, knowledge, competence, or experience and the nurse's immediate assessment of the risk for patient safety, or violation of the Nurse Practice Act or Board of Nursing rules. The supervisor can be legally held liable for failure to properly assign, supervise, delegate and so could the hospital in the event of patient injury or death. A few years later, nineteen nurses convened on February 22, 1907 to establish the Graduate Nurses Association of Texas, later renamed the Texas Nurses Association (TNA). (2013). Protections can be eroded through subsequent legislation or agency rules, and enforcement mechanisms may be weak or non-existent. Failure to AdvocatePolicies that protect nurses who advocate for patients are a vital element of safe healthcare delivery.Policies that protect nurses who advocate for patients are a vital element of safe healthcare delivery. (North Carolina Board of Nursing, 2019). NPAs have not remained stagnant over the past century, rather they have evolved but only with the active involvement of nurses in legislative efforts to change statute and update policies related to nursing practice. NPAs frame nursing practice by defining a professional scope and educational requirements for practice. This article will begin by briefly addressing the role of nurses in advocacy to advance professional practice, and offer background information about the changing healthcare industry that has influenced the example of advocacy we discuss. Protection failures represent opportunities for future advocacy. By mid-morning, you have two disoriented step-down patients, including one who pulls out his IV and fights with his family, and your LPNs cant give IV meds. Nurse researchers play an important role in policy evaluation by studying the impact of policy changes. Invoking safe harbor shouldn't change anything. (2003). She is active in policy development, actively assisting policy committees in analyzing issues and developing policy positions. Nurses dont always have a lot of authority on the floor, so they need to learn how to protect themselves if someone asks them to do something that goes against their ethics or the law. They reported first to hospital administration and then to the Texas Medical Board after their concerns were not addressed. Texas Nurses Association. Retrieved from, Black, L. M. (2011). Retrieved from, Texas Legislature Online. What if the patient or supervisor asks a nurse to do something that would violate Board Statutes and Rules, such as falsifying medical records, performing a procedure that could harm the patient, or even assisting in criminal activity? Share cases and questions with Physicians on Medscape Consult. Nightingales post-war work on hospital reform is among her most lasting accomplishments (Small, 2017). A nurse may not feel as if they have the option of saying no or refusing to engage in these kinds of situations, so invoking safe harbor may be their only choice. They can use a. from the Board of Nursings website or any document as long as it contains the following information: The name of the nurses(s) making the safe harbor request and their signature(s), Time and date of when the request was made, The location of where the conduct or assignment is to be completed, The name of the person requesting the conduct or making the assignment, A brief explanation of why the nurse is invoking safe harbor, An assignment or conduct that constitutes a criminal act, An assignment that results in or requires unprofessional conduct, A situation in which the nurse lacks the basic knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to deliver nursing care that is safe and that meets the minimum standards of care to such an extent that accepting the assignment would expose one or more patients to an unjustifiable risk of harm, 5 Valuable Lessons Every Nurse Must Learn on the Job, How Healthcare Workers Can Better Deal with Moral Distress in the Workplace. A study examining the effect of Texas staffing legislation (Texas Senate Bill 476, 2009) found that hospitals with higher staffing levels did not significantly change after the legislation and hospitals the lowest staffing levels prior to the legislation increased staffing (Jones, Bae, and Murry, 2015). Texas House Bill No. Ellen Martin, PhD, RN, CPHQ, CPPSEmail: While the Medicare Conditions of Participation (68 Federal Register 3435, 2003) have long required hospitals to have policies in place to ensure adequate nurse staffing, specific policy has lagged. For example, prior to 2019, nurses were required to invoke safe harbor in writing and notify the supervisor to receive the protections from employer discipline or board sanction. The nursing profession has a long history of nurses influencing decisionmakers to make positive change in health policy. Several changes in the healthcare industry have influenced the advocacy efforts of individual nurses and nursing organizations. But a nurse can invoke whats known as nursing safe harbor that absolves them of any liability when forced to engage in an activity that could put their career at risk. This is retaliation and it is barred by law and professional practice rules. Nurses who accept or make assignments must consider patient safety. She received a BSN from University of Detroit Mercy, magna cum laude, an MSN in adult psychiatric-mental health nursing from Wayne State University, and a PhD in nursing from University of Texas at Austin where she was recognized as the outstanding doctoral student. Texas Patient Advocacy and Whistleblower Protections, (Reproduced with permission of Texas Nurses Association.). Texas Senate Bill No. She has practiced law in state and federal courts in Tennessee since 1996 with an interest in healthcare risk management, employment law and medical malpractice. This database became a powerhouse of information for researchers interested in studying relationships between nursing staff characteristics and patient outcomes (Dunton, 2007). Licensure eligibility criteria and the first licensure exam were developed in 1904. The facility must have a process by which to further assess the situation. Twenty two nurses were investigated by the Nevada State Board of Nursing for alleged violations of the Nevada Nursing Practice Act, notably failure to safeguard patients (Black, 2011). Since the beginning of the profession, through individual and collective efforts, nurses have changed practice through policy by addressing systemic barriers to optimal patient care and healthy environments through establishment of standards, regulations, and policy. Nurse leaders should take note of Provision 6: acquiescing and accepting unsafe or inappropriate practices, even if the individual does not participate in the specific practice, is equivalent to condoning unsafe practice.. However, there is a large majority who have never experienced working in disaster situations such as hurricanes, mass shootings, or disease outbreaks and therefore may not be aware of their role in the emergency preparedness process and what they can do for themselves. Solving tough problems through innovation and proven methodology. Contrary to what the supervisor said, you have most of the sickest patients on the unit and it is a regular patient care assignment, including administration of chemotherapy for which you are not qualified. Commenting is limited to medical professionals. The federal level (CMS) requires certain staffing too. Safe Harbor for Nurses . What else can we do to ensure their care and their safety?. During the most recent legislative session, TNA leaders negotiated bill language with the Texas Hospital Association that would have required workplace violence prevention plans with input from direct care nurses. This act [61-3A-1 through 61-3A-3 NMSA 1978] may be cited as the "Safe Harbor for Nurses Act". New York, NY: Dover Publications. Kane. Initially, outcomes data related to nurse staffing was sparse. Nurse executives should support nurses who exercise their rights to protect their licenses and not view safe harbor requests as an affront to their leadership. American Nurses Association. Retrieved from Journal of Nursing Administration, 38(5): 223229. This database includes measures directly related to nursing care and patient outcomes (Montalvo, 2007) such as: nursing hours per patient days; hospital-acquired infections and pressure ulcers; and skill mix (percent of total nursing hours supplied by different types of direct care providers). This includes protections for whistleblowers. (2019). Objections must be in writing so check to see if your facility or state has a form and keep several blank copies in your locker or backpack. Dont hope that everything will be alright. Click the topic below to receive emails when new articles are available. Nurses are warm, compassionate and forgiving to a fault. The facility may not retaliate against the nurse who invokes the safe harbor. Short title. 16, New York companion bills A11484, A07836, S05116, and S08358. Please use this form to submit your questions or comments on how to make this article more useful to clinicians. We conclude by considering implications for nursing organizations and nurses among these exemplars. The BON Comprehensive Written Request for Safe Harbor Nursing Peer Review Form is a sample form that may be used to document the more in-depth information that the nurse must put in writing before leaving the work setting at the end of the work period. JOIN TNA AND ANA TODAY, 3/1/2023TPAPN Lunch and Learn: Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health in Nursing, 3/28/2023TPAPN Peer Support Partner Information Session, 3/31/2023Nuts & Bolts of Peer Review Workshop, 4/18/2023TPAPN Peer Support Partner Information Session, Texas Affiliate of ANA | 4807 Spicewood Springs Rd., Bldg 3, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78759, 800.862.2022 | 512.452.0645 |, Association Management Software Powered by, TPAPN Lunch and Learn: Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health in Nursing, TPAPN Peer Support Partner Information Session. Please enter a Recipient Address and/or check the Send me a copy checkbox. In the fall of 2007, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it would no longer reimburse hospitals for nursing-related, preventable complications occurring during a patient hospital stay (The George Washington University, 2007). Nightingale, F. (1914). Several changes in the healthcare industry have influenced the advocacy efforts of individual nurses and nursing organizations.Hospitals were compelled to focus specifically on safety when in 1999 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released its groundbreaking report, To Err is Human (Kohn, Corrigan, & Donaldson, 2000). She retired from the U.S. Army in 2015 as a Lieutenant Colonel. How has Covid amplified issues to your culture? Both professional nursing organizations, and individual nurses, must continue advocacy at all levels. As chief executive of the Texas Nurses Association, Cindy leads the strategic operations of the Texas Nurses Association, a professional membership organization of registered nurses that empowers Texas Nurses to advance the profession. A nurse is free to invoke safe harbor at any time during their shift, including if an assignment changes along the way. Protections can be eroded through subsequent legislation or agency rules, and enforcement mechanisms may be weak or non-existent.In sum, the need for evaluation of policies is vital. In 2010, Texas emergency department nurse Jessica Taylor authored a commentary in the American Journal of Nursing about her experience of being assaulted at work (Taylor, 2010). The hospital broke the law when it retaliated against the nurses for making an external report. 1) describes the organizations history starting in 1896 as the story of individual nurses everywhere united in common cause to advance nursing practice. She is active in policy development, actively negotiating legislative approaches to address nursings agenda. Advocacy in Nursing Regulation: Nurse Practice ActsThe original intent of nurse practice acts was the regulation of nursing practice through registration, now licensure (Russell, 2012). TNA developed a strategy to obtain funding for a statewide study of health care organizations (including hospitals, free-standing emergency centers, long term care facilities and homecare agencies), to validate the extent of the problem and provide the foundation for future violence prevention initiatives. Nurses who accept or make assignments must consider patient safety. See Table for examples of these laws. She received an ASN from Angelo State University, a BSN and MSN from Queens University of Charlotte where she was recognized as the outstanding graduate student, and a PhD in nursing from University of Texas at Austin. After Mitchell and Galle were exonerated in a jury trial, nurse advocates went to work to strengthen nurse protections. (2007). Health Affairs, 21(5), 53-64. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.21.5.53, de Castro, A. We offer these to affirm the work of these nurses and organizations as we celebrate nurses this year. We then offer exemplars that illustrate policies that regulate the environment of practice, such as nurse staffing, musculoskeletal injury prevention, and failure to advocate, and discuss needed protections, including whistleblower protections. The law applies to entities having three or more nurses that are licensed by the department of health to provide healthcare on their premises. Cite this: A 'Safe Harbor' for Unsafe Nursing Assignments-Medscape-Apr26,2019. For the first time, patient outcomes could be specifically mapped to nursing care, not just by morbidity or medical complications, but by outcomes that are specifically amenable to nursing management and intervention. Nurses have been advocating for change since the day Florence Nightingale penned an urgent missive to the Secretary of State for War on the need for trained nurses to care for the wounded soldiers in the Crimea. The nurses were fired from their positions and were criminally indicted for a third-degree felony (Thomas & Willman, 2012). If you log out, you will be required to enter your username and password the next time you visit. To err is human: Building a safer health system. Revision of the code in 1995 expanded it to include social ethics, global concerns, and emphasis on the important role of nurses in health policy. As chief executive of the Texas Nurses Association, Cindy leads the strategic operations of the Texas Nurses Association, a professional membership organization of registered nurses that empowers Texas Nurses to advance the profession. 68 FR 3435 - Medicare and Medicaid programs; Hospital conditions of participation: Quality assessment and performance Improvement. 192: Section 301.413(b-1). Nurse practice acts guide and govern nursing practice. Non-reimbursable conditions include hospital-acquired pressure ulcers and readmissions. of nursing care for a defined work period in a defined work setting, including the specified functions, duties, practitioner orders, supervisory directives and amount of . The Safe Harbor Rule (SHPR) is a nursing peer review process that any type of nurse (licensed vocational nurse or registered nurse) can initiate in good faith whenever asked to take part in assignments or conduct that might result in one or more violations of Texas Board of Nursing rules and statutes. Other states have passed legislation (ANA, 2019) with an alternative policy approach requiring hospitals to engage nurse staffing committees in the determination of appropriate staffing levels.

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