musk ox vs yak vs bison

They are also if full black or black and white mix colour hairs. I wouldnt personally be surprised at all if caribou down is warmer than qiviut, theyre not as compact animals and they dont have as heavy coats, so its not unlikely that they would need a higher quality down. We've spent the last ten years developing a supply chain here in the U.S.A. that brings together bison ranchers, small independent mills, and local manufacturers. Love the data based approach to answering this question! Yaks are a member of the Bovidae family, which includes bison, cows, and goats. Itd be great to see some proof of which fiber is actually the warmest. Other warm (and very soft) wools include llama, camel, angora, cashmere, vicuna, and guanaco. As their names suggest, the American bison lives in North America, while the European bison lives in Europe. I wonder if maybe the results are reflective, not of just warmth, but of warmth *and* structure. Bison are the hipsters of the two animals, sporting thick beards. The gestation (pregnancy) period is typically around nine months for both bison and cattle. It would be col if their fur could help pay their massive feed bill. As warm as you might think some yarns might be as soon as as water reaches the fabric it becomes saturated by it, as a result the warmth properties automatically collapse, this is called water saturation, a clear example of this are regular merino wools, they definitely warm, but in the luxury world they arent considered great insulators, after you wear merino for a few hours the fabric starts to feel damp this is a clear signal of lost warmth and saturation of water and makes a savvy wearer feel yucky unpleasant, in comparison yak wool which has the highest amount of saturation of almost any fabric by 40% you can wear yak wool and will feel toasty warm & dry for hours, another clear misinterpretation is the result of silk in your controlled experiment, though it might be based in numbers for some minutes or hours, it isnt true in the real world, silk not only collapses fastest than any fabric on its wicking properties, it also begins by disintegrating loosing all of its properties faster than any fabric, this is the reason why even the best of silks needs to be replaced constantly in the finest of lining suits and coats in the tailor industry, you might think silk is warm but trying wearing silk in the coldest of temperatures and youll rapidly regret it, this is because you have not tried to conceived the cold factor in your understanding of what makes a yarn warm, it isnt just real insulation by ALSO admitting WICKING factors, but how a fabric deals with the COLD. Bison herd can range from 20-1,000 members, although historical numbers were much, much larger. The Alaskan Malamute is a dog that was bred to haul heavy freight as a sled dog. It is a cellulose fiber so I didnt expect it to be a good insulating fiber. Rabbit is a close second. The human body is constantly adapting and switching from warming to cooling states so there is fairly wide range of temperatures you can be comfortable. Its about being the lightest, strongest fiber. I really like how you think through different animal physical features. I dont know how long it would take for these fibers to break down due to heat, or to what degree the direct contact with the heat source changes the fibers; Im really just thinking out loud here. In the merino world, look for wool labeled ultrafine (around 15-17) or superfine (about 18-20 ). I also made a video covering this topic. This fiber has come up a few times. American bison live in prairies and plains, particularly grasslands and semiarid scrublands. If you prefer the video format you can see it here. Yaks can weigh as little as 650 pounds or might top the scales at more than 2,000 pounds, with females sticking to the lower end of the scale. ), these things are important factors. The domestication of sheep over thousands of years has resulted in fibers which are far from adaptive except to meet human needs. Nothing that thin is going to keep you warm unless you layer, like, 30 of em (or have a long shelf-life). Their genetic heritage splits, however, and bison are closer in DNA to the modern yak and guar. This is why people say cotton kills. The bison has a larger head used to forage for feed during the winter months. The musk-ox (Ovibos moschatus), a hollow horned ungulate (ruminant), native to the Arctic, is in fact not an ox, and has no musk, its nearest relative being thought to be the goat (Anon., 1987a).It reportedly has the largest and thickest hair of any mammal on earth (Schweiss, 2009).The prehistoric animal, also called 'omingmak' by the Eskimo people, is huge, and looks like a Bison . This is great fun and very interesting. Im unconvinced that alpaca and Qiviut are not warmer under other conditions, such as freely draping with room to expand, as in the side of a sweater. Difference between a Bison and a Yak - Fossil records . 1. It is nice to see that normal wools should work fine. They are nearly naked. Bell peppers have way more. Thanks Steve for the great feedback. On the other hand, silk typically has a cool touch to me. Thanks for the feedback! Females weigh 700 to 1,200 pounds, and have a Body Length of 7-10, Yaks are Smaller Males are typically 700-1300lbs, and Females 500-700lbs. Then I put the insulator (a knitted test swatch) on the hot plate set to 120 degrees Celsius. If theres more than 2 or 3 analysis gets way more complicated. - Alpaca HeartAlpaca Heart, Your email address will not be published. American bison are found in North America, while European bison are found in Europe and the Caucasus. Musk-ox are only found in the arctic tundra where they feed on the mosses and lichen that flourish in the cold arctic environment. Despite being herbivores, each of these guys makes an imposing presence. It is warmer by miles than any blanket Ive ever owned and has an amazing capacity to trap body heat and keep me toasty warm on even the coldest nights even though it is loosely woven. My testing results were shocking! So it was a shock that this fiber came in fifth place. I think something you could do as a control is have the same person spin all the fibres might help. Both animals live in herds, though herding habits are different. Sadly, I no longer have afghans so I cant even give you yarn spun from them. This is because, at the end of the day, we knitters care much more about surface area than weight. Im hoping that someday I can do some more tests to see if results are different when using different testing frameworks or different fiber samples. All three of these horned animals are large, but the bison is the biggest of all. Some yak herds seasonally migrate to eat moss, grass and lichens. My version is modified because I only cared about a the relative difference in the insulation properties and thus didnt need the much more complex Poensgen apparatus described in this paper. Oxen can weigh between 500 and 3,000 pounds, depending on the breed of cattle; many western breeds come in around 2,000 pounds. I also read The Warmest Socks its a very interesting article. Bison and Silk Blend Socks by Fox River these socks are great for indoor . Yak noun. However, this test didnt work well. I recommend (only read thru this post here sorry!) I have added your suggestions to the list. Angora fiber is the undercoat of Angora rabbits. It requires a sizeable amount of wool to stuff one of these. Yak noun. Yaks are have incredibly hairy bellies and a long, full tail like that of a horse, while bison have a tail like a cow. Yak eat grasses and herbs, lichens. The internet says this fiber from a musk-ox is warmest fiber. Also would love to see where mohair (angora) goats rank! I wonder if that might provide part of an explanation for the surprising results. Wonderful experiment! Musk oxen live in smaller herds during the summer, usually of about 10 to 20 animals, though herds can contain as few as five. A bullock is a virgin bull, before it has covered a cow or been turned into an ox. Good luck and keep working on this it is unique and really valuable information. I own some myself from my mother and am from Alaska and been able to interact with the animals, so I got a little pride in it. I actually tried a variation of what you described and couldnt get reasonable test results from it. Lets say you heat your 50g of water to temperature H, place the little beaker in a cozy, and track the rate at which the water cools off. Yak verb. Now, bison down is expensive. An adult yak produces approximately one pound of down per year. Arctic animals have adapted in many ways to their harsh conditions. Curious if you have any thoughts from your experiments! I really am not surprised by the result, though it turns out that dog fur is not x7 as warm as wool, and angora is not 5x as warm as wool, which is what Ive read. As their names suggest, the American bison lives in North America, while the European bison lives in Europe. Musk oxen are large, hoofed mammals that stand up to 1.5 metres tall at the shoulder. Last I will suggest you read about Vicuna, this is because muskox is as fine in micron count as vicuna and when you go that small you begin to understand that those fabrics (which I own both) trap the molecules of air between its fabric, that is what makes those fabrics so magical and warmth, is how they deal with the release of hot air molecules trapped between the fiber blocking incoming cold air and pushing out new hot air released by your body, this process is what makes those fabrics FEEL luxurious, we can all wear 2 layers sweaters, a vest, a jacket and a coat, but its unpractical and youll definitely FEEL uncomfortable, that is why some commercial non high-end cashmere sweaters feel unpleasant and why people automatically assume that all cashmere is/FEELS the same, not until you try the highest grade of cashmere in the market youll begin to understand the various FACTORS that go into deciding what does it MEAN by WARM in the luxury market. Then have a lot of people try it on and put their hand in a cold box. Just because an animal lives in the arctic, doesnt mean its going to have the very best down. $39.00 Pure Vicuna: 100% Vicuna Yarn 6. Extremely thick coat with a long skirt. - NeedleWork Creative, What is the difference between an ox and a musk ox? Regular brushing is best, since that doesnt get the guard hairs. I would love to see the differences in something like an Afghan hound and the inner coat of double coated breeds. Now I know better. Any thoughts? - Alpaca HeartAlpaca Heart. You shouldnt let them see the mitten or know which one it is. I suspect because too much of the heat from the plate is escaping by not going through the test swatch. I did some measurements on the thickness and they are all between 4 and 4.7mm. I expected some of the other exotic yarns to do much better, but after rerunning the tests several times Im convinced in my testing with my samples it is the second warmest yarn. To talk, particularly informally but persistently; to chatter or prattle. A u-value measurement would be nice for more standardized comparison. That first air layer you described would be a far better insulator than any fiber. Yak hair has been imported from Mongolia and . 3) No compression, with wind repeat 2 but this time have a small fan circulating air. This is the type of wool people say to use when you want a warm sweater, and it didnt disappoint. I want to buy a pair of fur gloves, but I am still deciding between products, I need more detailed advice on this product. Qiviut (kiv'-ee-ute) is the soft down under-wool produced by musk oxen. Perhaps with more samples. This was included to give a control to compare against. My partner, Marianne, uses many different types of fibers, including dog, which was the first domesticated animal used on a regular basis for fiber. 2 gp 12 gp . Yaks are primarily raised by nomadic Tibetan and Mongolian families. Lets explore these animals in some more detail below! A quick list that might not be too onerous to measure and track: During the winter, herd size can grow to 60 animals. These are not the results I was expecting. One thing this second experiment removes from the equation is damage to the fibers from direct contact with the heat source. In those cases Rose yarn would be a good option. Im actually working on a new test that tries to solve the compression issue (I still have no good feel for how much difference that causes for different fibers, but I do want to find out). My wife purchased the fiber many years ago at a fiber festival and it didnt have any additional info about this with the fiber. There has to be an answer right? The amount of air trapped inside a yarn could definitely affect the insulation properties. I can see a problem with your methodology, though, if I understand it correctly. I am sure if you contact the guild, they will connect you with her. Having some compression is a somewhat reasonable way to represent that and the weight of the beaker was light (I think it was just over 100g with the water in it) . Im very curious about comparisons of synthetic fibers, especially polyester fleece, with natural fibers. If so, drop me a line. Many places say it is eight times warmer than wool. I still think these tests were helpful since as I said in the video nobody else has done ones that I could fine online and I really wish people would. Properties of Qiviut Wool. Some fibers keep you warmer when wet. In certain conditions this effect will affect how warm clothing feels. Ox, Bull, Bison and Yak seems quite similar but is a lot diverse. I tried to do a test where I put an block of aluminum in an insulated container and put the test swatches over it. Buffaloes can have gigantic horns of up to six feet for both sexes, while bison only have horns up of up to two feet. I feel like there must be something like this I could get working, but it probably requires better instruments or better built test harnesses than Ive done so far. In terms of shape, the African buffalo horns sweep up to their ends, giving them a handlebar-mustache-like shape, while the Asian buffalo has crescent . I dont have the beaker with me right now, but Id estimate its diameter is 35mm so from that you can do your calculations. The basic procedure is I put 50 grams of room temperature water into a small beaker. I wonder if thicker yarns of those fibers arent as effective? Additionally, they live in lightly wooded areas, especially the European bison. Ox noun. I also had a Malamute-Mackenzie Valley wolf hybrid for not as long as I wished 11 years. Obviously a single sheet of paper towel isnt a great insulator, but it is significantly better than not having any insulator. Hides are available, but the fiber itself is just too short to spin. I wasnt sure how silk would perform with insulating since it is from a silk worm that uses the silk to form a cocoon to protect themselves during metamorphosis, where as wool is there to keep sheep warm. Yak is as lean as venison or bison (about 5 percent fat, compared to about 15 percent for beef), and, to some, tastes juicier, sweeter and more delicate. The good news is the next warmest fiber on my list is much easier to get so lets look at that one. The Path follows a family at the center of a controversial cult movement as they struggle with relationships, faith and power. I love seeing science applied to the fiber arts One thing that I didnt see addressed anywhere is how controlled the yarns were? Just by looking at it I can see all the fiber matches. . . Musk oxen live in smaller herds during the summer, usually of about 10 to 20 animals, though herds can contain as few as five. Thanks a lot for this great article! Their long shaggy hair helps the musk-ox insulates and protects the mammal from the sub-zero temperatures of the winter. I am interested in doing my own experiment, making a couple and just trying them out with the same dish in the same pot, but given the quantity I need and some of these fibers are pricey I kind of want to narrow down to a few best options. Caribou skins are used for winter wear, while sealskin is used for summer wear. The largest population of European bison lives in Poland and Belarus. There are two species of bison, the American and European bison. All of these brawny guys are herbivores . So I think youre right in saying its moisture-wicking ability sucks. Im not one to build suspense so the results are directly below. The wool is washed, sorted and carded before it is spun into yarn. But oooh, the cozy factor of those soft, luscious furs~ I love angora blends and cashmere~. During the winter, herd size can grow to 60 animals. 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