lost sawyer fanfiction

They had both been reading a book silently when Sawyer decided to speak up. Okay, okay! Sawyer calls and I feel Sayid retreat. And a mans got a right to protect his property.. Summary: When one story ends, another begins. These fics can be rated . Surprisingly, no one had noticed my arms, although they didnt get the worst of it. Jack stops and looks around, noticing that everyone is watching him. Length 44 chapters, 112870 words. So much for trying to fit in. I look around for Jack and spot him sitting on the beach. I laugh a little at Sawyers stunned face. Do you know blue eyes? We walk over to where the water is and Sawyer bends down to get some. Romanced my momma to get to the money, wiped them out clean, left a mess behind. I cant stand it anymore. Splinters? - The rest of their lives, the oddest island wedding ever, the ways they say goodbye, the end. Im up thinking. All I know is your name. Yes, she says quietly, her hair lifted off her face by the breeze. I'm glad you liked it. I know the future because where I come from this world doesnt exist. I look down, unable to meet Sawyer's eyes. The jungle was sweltering hot for sunset, and her clothes were sticking to the cuts and gashes on her skin. Its not as bad as it looks, I hear Micheal say as I jog up. You had sex with my mother and then you stole my dads money all away. Youre gonna have to be more specific there, blue eyes. We walk through the jungle together for a while before Sawyer even speaks up. Locke opens his case, which is full of knives and everyone looks around with mixed expressions. Just leave, He says to her calmly, before disappearing into the jungle. I hop my way to the kitchen, pull out the trash bag, close it, then head outside through the sliding glass door. Title . I know what you become! Amelia what is he talking about? He asks. Ugh it seems like rotten eggs! My mom exclaims. So, here is Walkabout! I grumble internally, he didnt have the decency to get me out of my seat. Jack turns to me. Were not savages, Kate. Why, you want to see whos taller? Sawyer jests. Amelia scoffed at first, but then realized he might just have a point. But that aint the sad part, Sawyer pauses and glances at me, When I was 19, I needed 6 grand to pay these guys off I was in trouble with. Once theyre secured I settle down on one of my airline seats and open the book to chapter one. Dont stop now. I flinch and make a noise. Welcome to the start of a new LOST fanfiction. The oxygen masks drop and I scramble to put mine on, my hands are shaking so badly that Sawyer has to reach over and help me. My stay at the cave was less than comfortable and I dont understand how any of those chumps think its a good place to dig in. Sawyer wasnt around when I got back, so I changed my clothes and sat down in my usual thinking spot. Wheres what? Sawyer shoots back, dropping his false nice tone. I sob in pain and collapse into Sawyers lap. He doesnt want him to know what he has to say. Kate shakes her head and turns back to Sawyer, So Im here. Yet she didnt forget his words. I dont pay attention to the yells of the other passengers to get under something though, since Im perfectly content to sit. Later on, Sawyer and Trent get into a fight, during which he holds a gun to Gwens head and threatens to "spill her brains". I wrote it knowing one day Id find him. Jack? I ask, sounding remarkably like Kate. My back screams in pain as Im blown away from the house, the explosion pushing me towards the street. Why am I here, when I know I didnt exist here previously. I can watch Hurley and Charlie walk to the waters edge to try and fail at fishing. Hell, its only first base. Help me with these will you, she replied, ignoring what he said. The movie begins to play, Incredibles, I havent seen this one before. I cant stand it anymore, so I try to tug away from Sawyer. Everyone in theres dead, Sayid reminds. Dude, Im not going anywhere, Hurley says. I nudge him with my shoulder and say, "Nice one," Sawyer looks proudly at me. Give me the medication.. Im not supposed to be here, and Im manipulating things to make sure I dont sit around on the beach all day. Birds flew away from the volume of her voice. He pushes in further into my tent, letting the flaps close behind him. Its not like I had many friends in the med program, considering most of us are competing for jobs anyway. Hon go take out the trash, its horrible! My mom says to me. Alright fine, your choice, Sawyer retorts, I wanted to know if you knew this was gonna happen! It is then revealed that Sawyer orchestrated Gwens house being burned down and faked the deaths of Gwens mother and brother, and he is holding them captive, putting them in a secret room where they are chained to the wall. Youre gonna have to be more specific there, blue eyes. I press my face in my hands and I wonder what he really means. I take a steady breath in and pull off my shirt, Whoa whoa-! Sawyer begins but I shush him. Why am I still alive? Give me the inhalers now, Jack demands to Sawyer, not even looking at me. I need to help these other people! Jack exclaims, looking wild. Suddenly he gets up to leave, but I grab his arm. Thats when I realize I dont know Sawyers age, and I also realize I dont want to find out. God I hate the early season!! I think Ive got a pretty good idea, I say confidently back. I want to ask if hes going to the memorial, but he speaks up first. Sawyer turns around. I wake up to find that Jack, Kate, and Charlie had already left to find the planes transceiver. Paring: Sawyer x F!Reader Word Count: 468 "Hey, I've been lookin' for that shirt," Sawyer exclaims as you crawl out of your tent. Hell no, its the best idea I ever heard,. Fuck. Great, thanks, I reply, feeling annoyed. ! Mom calls me from downstairs. He goes as far as to cut Gwen, giving her cuts and scars that will forever remain with her and causing her to bleed. She holds up Sawyers letter and he gives her a horrible look. My name is Amelia Kassman, and I am not exactly supposed to be on this flight. I think you and me were born with a lot of it then, Amelia muses, not looking up from her book. After all thats happened to me?, Sawyer regarded her carefully, helping her pull out a water bottle from her pack. Goodnight, Jack, and I walk into my tent. After being held captive by the others, Sawyer and Kate meet a woman who is just as adamant about getting them back to the main island as they are. Im glad I dont have the gun anymore. Im ready for movie night! I exclaim as I plop on my favorite spot on the couch. The first thing we see is a promotional ad for a new TV show, Lost. She's never been a very good person. I look Sawyer up and down as he comes out of the water naked, and I feel a blush creep over my face. Why am I still alive? Running up I catch the tail end of what Hurley is saying. I collapse into the tree and begin to sob. Ah, I know when we are. Help me with these will you, she replied, ignoring what he said. Sawyer lets go of my arm once hes pushed me inside of his tent. Do me a favor, Sawyer spat, shooting daggers at Amelia, when you leave today, go straight to Hell.. Hes been looking at me the whole time. What the hell is wrong with you? Jack asks Sawyer. I shake my head and suddenly Jack shows up and starts going through Sawyers stuff. Sawyer finally gets up. Amelia scoffed at first, but then realized he might just have a point. I can hear Sawyer pass me, but then I hear another pair of feet stop in front of me. Sawyer chops a piece of wood and I clear my throat. Blue eyes is just taking up the top spot as doctor anyways. Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood, Sawyer says to Amelia one day. I ran away from the scene before anyone saw me and I had to leave Australia to get back to LA. Kate, Sawyer says menacingly. What I mean is, you say you know all of us. You dont seem fazed, I hear a voice say. Betcha knew I would do that, Sawyer grumbles. Lucky for me I know that hes nothing but a big softy with a lot of grief at the end. Rated: T. Genre: Drama/Mystery. Thats your proof. I drop my hands to my sides and pull my knees up as someone bursts into my tent. Nobodys that disgusting. I get to my tent and collapse in front of it pulling my knees up to my chest. A kiss ought to do it.. Some films and TV shows have such a finality to them that there isn't any interest in continuing. Can you what? I ask quietly, to keep my voice from shaking. I ask you to help a woman who cant breath and you want me to kiss you? This sets Boone off, and he tries to punch Sawyer back. Oh my god. Unrated. Amelia? Jack asks but Sawyer shakes his head and realization washes over Jack, Kate?. I dont-? Jack begins but I cut him off. Im jerked awake by a wave of cold water being thrown onto me. I stare at him surprised. Keep walking, Sawyer replies, trying to diffuse the situation. I run up to him. My arms are crossed over my chest and I huff in the direction of Jack and Sawyer. We can hear sounds of rummaging and growling coming from the fuselage. I look away from her face feeling guilty. I let out a cry in pain as well just hearing him. Its dark and I cant see the face, but by the build and silhouette alone I can tell its Sawyer. Im gonna shed some light on this thing, Sawyer says and flicks on the flashlight. Which one? Now you get to be the hero again, because thats what you do fix everything up all nice, Sawyer taunts again, and I really wish hed shut up. Lost Emotions reviews Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Charlie, Locke, and Sayid all head out to find Claire. I sigh to myself as I walk up behind him. Sawyer decided to take a nap so I decide to continue to read Of Mice and Men. Kate and Sawyer must deal with the new pregnancy obstacles. She doesnt look at me, shes staring down at the sand with a hard expression. I intercept Sayid and try to fight him off away from Sawyer. Do you want to tell me whats going on? He asks. I wonder how long Ive been out. Peachy, I say, feeling far from peachy. He sits next to me and I allow myself to drop my legs. I can hear Jack and Kate call out for me, one more kind than the other, but I dont turn back. Rose and Bernards relationship is truly special, I hope they lived a good life after the events of Season 6. Characters: Hugo, Ben, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Rose, Bernard, Desmond, Penny . Why you pretended to have it anyway. What do you know about it? Amelia shouted and it echoed around the jungle. She was drawn . 29 chapters, 67,638 words, Complete, Action/adventure. Shit. Self-recs are fine. He tore his fingers through his hair. He looks at me curiously, almost like hes seen me before. No. What? Shannon cuts in. An expanded epilogue to Lost. Youre a good man James!. Which one? I dont get it, Amelia pants, lowering herself onto the nearest log she can find. So, um, wheres Mr. Locke? Walt asks and I remember his showdown with Smokey in the jungle. The medicine. I watch curiously as he stomps over, grabs me by the arm, and pulls me towards his tent. Dont you like her better? I ask as confidently as I can as I cross my arms over my chest. Sayid splashes water on his face to bring him to. Here you will find my LOST stories I'm currently working on: Taken care of. No. Stay with her! I hear Jack yell to Hurley, talking about Claire. Okay! Who is this guy? Hurley says, saying out loud what we were all thinking. Hey Kate! I greet as I approach her, Need help with those?, Kate looks relieved as she begins to gather them up and hand them to me, score, Oh would you Amelia? Why do you keep coming around? He asks, keeping his eyes straightforward on the path. I stare right back, unafraid of him, but afraid of what I was planning to tell him. Oh god, were goin to die, arent we? Sawyer groaned playfully, knowing whatever Amelia had planned was going to play into the future. Are you hurt!? A subreddit for the fans and critics of the ABC television show Lost. What is it? Kate asks, breaking the silence. Ive seen it. Please let me know if youd like to be tagged in updates! Which one? I walk away from where we were all standing, and amble my way towards where Sawyer is chopping wood near the end of the beach. I follow not far behind Sawyer. At first appearing as a nice man, giving Gwen gifts such as laptops, this turns out to be nothing more than a horrible lie. I dont have it, never did, Sawyer replies. Sawyer doesnt say anything and I whimper. Just give it back when youre done, He says and I snap my head up. Judith Martha Wexler from Denton, TX, guess she was going to catch a connecting flight, Claire says at the memorial. A note? Sawyer scoffs, More like a symphony!. I bounce in my seat happily as my brother shushes me. Meanwhile, his assistant just hangs on as the island world he knew changes around him. I dont, Im a student nurse, I thought I would help. I put my hands in my hips defensively. Want to see what kind of trouble we can get into? Amelia asks with a glint in her eye that for once Sawyer cant to seem to decipher. They had both been reading a book silently when Sawyer decided to speak up. Which means that theres a mother nearby. I fucked up royally, and Sawyer was right. I can watch Micheal as he talks to Sun about watching Walt. Jack raises his hands in defeat, If you can find him, be my guest. I nod and he and Kate walk away. I know Sawyer does, or else he wouldnt have revealed my secret. Do me a favor, Sawyer spat, shooting daggers at Amelia, when you leave today, go straight to Hell.. Suddenly I hear a faint scream and realize, oh right, theres a commotion on the beach. Just tell me where the inhalers are and well stop, Jack explains to Sawyer. So, how did I find my way on this flight? Title: Lost: Season 7 by MrLockeIsAWarrior. I watch as Sayid kisses Kates hand and then turns to walk away. Sawyer folds his letter fast and I stand up. He's already in a bad mood from Boone, and even if I know he won't hurt me I'm still a bit afraid. I follow not far behind Sawyer. You dont know where Im headed, Sawyer says coolly and I shake my head. I look up at the ocean, my tears blurring my vision. Its a Tuesday, I know how to restrain myself, Amelia replied just as playfully, enjoying the light-ish banter after all the shit. The book washed up on shore, went in the drink with the rest of- Sawyer is cut off as Kate elbows him across the face. I realize this leaves me with not a lot to do, except watch. I cant stand it. When a redeemed Hillary frees Gwens family, Sawyer stabs her and demands to bring Gwen to him and later, when Trent tries to come near him, he shoots his hand and proceeds to use him as a meat shield and tries to taunt Gwen into shooting him. All are multi-chapter; all but one are completed works. fanfic writer, trying to instill the love of lost in more people. I remember that Sayid is leaving, and I smile a bit to myself. Became Sawyer. He ignores me too. This girl might be the death of him. Lucky for you I aint greedy.. Hey, hey! I call to Jack, reaching towards his arm to get his attention. You dont know nothin about me, Sawyer replies with a huff. He shakes his head and walks away. I slowly lower myself onto the bed, now feeling light-headed from sitting up. Once Amelia was finally able to open the bottle and take a drink did he speak, Maybe youre just meant to live, to do something else no one else can do.. So you can play games all you want, but I know theres a human being in there somewhere. Not yet, Jack replies in a dark tone. Baby Steps by Wreckless Righter reviews Part IV. Red hot guilt fills my stomach and throat, I read it, and then again, because Ive been trying to figure out why you beat up Boone instead of just telling him you didnt have his sisters medication. Jack lunges in and punches him. Characters: Hugo, Ben, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Rose, Bernard, Desmond, Penny. I swallow and begin to tell him my past. He is the extremely abusive father of Gwen who abandoned her when she was three years old. Im not meant to be here. I scramble down the stairs, smiling at my parents. Sawyer is the main antagonist of the Total Drama fanfiction Lost and Found. Dad presses play on the pre-recorded movie, so there are bound to be ads. *This is AU. The ABC president has expressed that she'd really like to reboot the show, and never mentioned the show's genre or the way it ended. He was a confidence man. Itll probably be worse, He replies but Amelia shakers her head and looks off into the ocean. Right behind you, Jackass, Sawyer says next to me. Im going to kill him, I can hear Jack say as I run up to the both of them. At least I know he has a soft spot for me. You killed my parents, Mr. Sawyer, I finish reading and I look at my feet. Sawyer, who was sitting next to me, is nowhere to be found. Long time no see, Sawyer says casually and I walk over slowly. Running my way through the jungle I manage to dodge most of the branches and bushes, only sustaining minor cuts and scratches to my arms and face. I know who you are! He winces when Amelia lifts up her shirt, his hand trembling as he reaches out. I collapse in the sand. Complete, Action/adventure, Characters: Hugo, Ben, Richard, Walt, original characters. Suddenly the world fell apart. Itll probably be worse, He replies but Amelia shakers her head and looks off into the ocean. Just read it, He growls and I realize it was a bad idea to call him by his real name. He doesnt budge so I try again, tapping his arm to let me go. I sink into the sand next to the tree as I swallow the burning feeling in my throat. Youre afraid of your dreams? Sawyer asks, a small ocean breeze fluttering open the tent flaps of Amelias tent. Gwen and her family are later brought to the hospital where their wounds are treated and they are revealed to have post traumatic stress disorder, with Gwen specifically having two years worth. !Made for my beloved friend Andi; she was the first person I ever bonded over OC's with about 4 years ago now on lost-forum. Ive been obsessed with Lost ever since I saw it on TV that ill-fated day so many years ago. Boars usual mode of attack is to circle around and charge from behind so I figure itll take at least three of us to distract her long enough for me to flank one of the piglets, pin it, and slit its throat.. I cant stand it anymore. Sawyer, Im giving you the chance to do the right thing. Suddenly a knife is thrown into the seat next to the one Sawyer is sitting in. And why didnt you stop?. No one will agree with you, but youre going to make the final decision to go ahead and do it anyway. . Get out!. Oh my god. The only person Ill tell is her, Sawyer replies. Just as Im falling asleep I can feel a heavy arm sling across my body and a hoarse whisper that says, I promise to keep you safe.. So I found a pretty lady with a dumb husband who had some money. Sawyer is the main antagonist of the Total Drama fanfiction Lost and Found. Living room! Meanwhile the group returns to the present from 1977 and Juliet deals with the aftermath of Sawyer leaving her behind. ", Title: LOST - The Other Generation, by Kevin Bunch, Link: https://theothergeneration.wordpress.com/. I hope you like and review this, too. Better than the three of you wandering into the magic forest to bag a hunk of ham with nothing but a little bitty hunting knife? You absolutely do not, Sawyer shoots back and pulls Amelia into a tight side hug, sighing to himself. Boone? I call and he shoots his head up, hands full of Sawyers stuff. Im with him. I make it and smile when I find Sawyers clothes and a paperback edition of Watership Down. When he recovered, he shot back, More than you apparently. And it was Amelias turn to stand shocked. Sequel to No Place Like Home. This letter wasnt written to you. I shudder at the thought. Pain. If they had gone with a hard sci-fi explanation, the show would be spinning off sequels like "Star Trek.". But the island began to fall apart. A note? Sawyer scoffs, More like a symphony!. Do I hear a note of sarcasm in that statement? Amelia laughs, looking in Kates direction as she huffs away from Sawyers latest crack at her. That piece of paper the one you keep in your pocket, I begin, I know the expression on your face when you read it and I know how carefully you fold it up. No wonder we kicked your ass in the Gulf Sawyer begins to say, until Sayid shoves the bamboo into Sawyers fingernails and he screams. I hesitate to tell him, looking at his face with watery eyes. I dont want to think about the freighter, or the time skipping, or Dharmaville. How could I not? Discussion of the show, pictures from the show, and anything else Lost related. Ive seen it. I dont want to know, at least not right now. Please let me know if youd like to be tagged in updates! Keep Gwen in his clutches forever.Kill Trent (all failed), Abuse (including domestic, physical and psychological)AssaultKidnappingMutilationDrug traffickingHostage-takingTorture (implied). Sawyer jerks awake and without a smile Sayid says, Good morning, and slams the pipe down onto Sawyer. I mustve lost a lot of blood. Yours? Jack says with a small laugh, What makes it yours? Yet, of course, no one knew I was in Australia with my late boyfriend. Well, I was in Australia with my boyfriend on a hiking trip when he was shot and killed in front of me. I guess we both are, I mumble to myself and I notice Sawyer turn his head towards me. Could it be because Im younger? Dont you feel sorry for me, Sawyer grabs the letter from her, Get the hell out. Sayid holds his arms out, like it was an accident. So in the spirit I set to work getting my tent set up with plenty of tarp, airplane seats, and a few airline blankets I found underneath another set of seats. That all you got? Sawyer huffs, flicking his sweaty head out of his face. I come from 2010, and the show has just finished its 6th and final season. Probably because its his centric episode and the writers have to show what a bad guy Sawyer is. If I've missed some, please feel free to add a link (please include a rating.) Were almost at the beach so I sprint away, admittedly not my most mature move. I cant stand it anymore. In the original series, I explain, Youre the one who gets stabbed. Genre: Action/adventure. I dont sleep, Amelia whispers, My mind has the scary capability of being dark and demented.. How many times do I have to tell you? Youre gonna have to be more specific there, blue eyes. I scan the beach, looking for Sawyer. What do you mean James..? I ask quietly, making sure no one else can hear me use his real name. Kate gets up and walk away without another glance at me. Stay, I say quickly, Please? Sawyer looks at me oddly before sitting back down and settling beside me. Its okay. All hope seemed to be lost. The jungle was sweltering hot for sunset, and her clothes were sticking to the cuts and gashes on her skin. So when the mechanical clicks and loud crashes of the Smoke Monster scare the rest of the camp, I resolve to telling Sawyer what I can once Jack, Kate, and Charlie embark on their mission to find the tip of the plane. I strike gold, Of Mice and Men, works for me. For better or for worse, Amelia says proudly to Jack. Fanfiction Romance Ford James Lost Sawyer Alternate Universe Major Character Death. I turn as best I can to Sawyer. I think youve never actually tortured anybody in your life, Sawyer taunts, and I wince for him. Been telling you since day one, were in the wild. We do not have bamboo in Iraq, although we do have something similar reeds. Hey, Doc. I never realized how quickly things got started around here, I guess I was always just so wrapped up in rewatching the series I never noticed. But the show still garnered both interest and money from fans. Sawyer turns to me again to speak, Are you sure youre alright- He is cut off by a massive amount of turbulence. Everyones heads snap to look at who threw it, Locke. Why not from Kate? Sit down, James, theres something you should know, I say quietly. Ive never been in a plane crash before, let alone one where I might not be important enough to survive. I turn my head as Sawyer is helping me loosen the bindings on his wrist. Laying on my airplane seats and pulling up my blanket I vaguely wonder what people will say when I dont show up for school at the end of the month. You bet. Sawyer breathes heavily and stares daggers at the cave people. What? The caves? So he got angry and he killed my mother and then he killed himself, too.. I shut my eyes as Sayid starts with the bamboo under the fingernails. Meanwhile the group returns to the present from 1977 and Juliet deals with the aftermath of Sawyer leaving her behind. Later on, Sawyer then punches Gwen, beating her over and over again, causing her to bleed. Ok, here comes chapter 5! Im hoping Jack does as well, otherwise things are going to get really tough. We both settle down next to one another on the airline seats outside of Sawyers tent. I nod in response and I feel his warm palm against my rough skin. I have a lot of skeletons in my closet, Sawyer replied with a chuckle. "Sawyer," Jack says. Then he and Sayid begin dragging Sawyer away. I hear a louder creak as a large body pulls me away, Hurley. We walk to where they are setting up things to burn the fuselage with and he drops my hand at the sight of Kate eying us. Updated . I have a lot of skeletons in my closet, Sawyer replied with a chuckle.

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